Source code for skbuild.cmaker

This module provides an interface for invoking CMake executable.

from __future__ import annotations

import argparse
import configparser
import contextlib
import glob
import itertools
import os
import os.path
import platform
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import sysconfig
import textwrap
from pathlib import Path
from shlex import quote
from typing import Mapping, Sequence, overload

import distutils.sysconfig as du_sysconfig

from .constants import (
from .exceptions import SKBuildError
from .platform_specifics import get_platform

RE_FILE_INSTALL = re.compile(r"""[ \t]*file\(INSTALL DESTINATION "([^"]+)".*"([^"]+)"\).*""")

def pop_arg(arg: str, args: Sequence[str], default: None = None) -> tuple[list[str], str | None]: ...

def pop_arg(arg: str, args: Sequence[str], default: str) -> tuple[list[str], str]: ...

[docs] def pop_arg(arg: str, args: Sequence[str], default: str | None = None) -> tuple[list[str], str | None]: """Pops an argument ``arg`` from an argument list ``args`` and returns the new list and the value of the argument if present and a default otherwise. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument(arg) namespace_names, args = parser.parse_known_args(args) namespace = tuple(vars(namespace_names).items()) val = namespace[0][1] if namespace and namespace[0][1] is not None else default return args, val
def _remove_cwd_prefix(path: str) -> str: cwd = os.getcwd() result = path.replace("/", os.sep) if result.startswith(cwd): result = os.path.relpath(result, cwd) if platform.system() == "Windows": result = result.replace("\\\\", os.sep) return result.replace("\n", "")
[docs] def has_cmake_cache_arg(cmake_args: list[str], arg_name: str, arg_value: str | None = None) -> bool: """Return True if ``-D<arg_name>:TYPE=<arg_value>`` is found in ``cmake_args``. If ``arg_value`` is None, return True only if ``-D<arg_name>:`` is found in the list.""" for arg in reversed(cmake_args): if arg.startswith(f"-D{arg_name}:"): if arg_value is None: return True if "=" in arg: return arg.split("=")[1] == arg_value return False
[docs] def get_cmake_version(cmake_executable: str = CMAKE_DEFAULT_EXECUTABLE) -> str: """ Runs CMake and extracts associated version information. Raises :class:`skbuild.exceptions.SKBuildError` if it failed to execute CMake. Example: >>> # xdoc: IGNORE_WANT >>> from skbuild.cmaker import get_cmake_version >>> print(get_cmake_version()) 3.14.4 """ try: version_string_bytes = [cmake_executable, "--version"], check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ).stdout except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as err: msg = f"Problem with the CMake installation, aborting build. CMake executable is {cmake_executable}" raise SKBuildError(msg) from err version_string = version_string_bytes.decode() return version_string.splitlines()[0].split(" ")[-1]
[docs] class CMaker: r"""Interface to CMake executable. Example: >>> # Setup dummy repo >>> from skbuild.cmaker import CMaker >>> import ubelt as ub >>> from os.path import join >>> repo_dpath = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('skbuild', 'test_cmaker') >>> ub.delete(repo_dpath) >>> src_dpath = ub.ensuredir(join(repo_dpath, 'SRC')) >>> cmake_fpath = join(src_dpath, 'CMakeLists.txt') >>> open(cmake_fpath, 'w').write(ub.codeblock( ''' cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5.0) project(foobar NONE) file(WRITE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/foo.txt" "# foo") install(FILES "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/foo.txt" DESTINATION ".") install(CODE "message(STATUS \\"Project has been installed\\")") message(STATUS "CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR:${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}") message(STATUS "CMAKE_BINARY_DIR:${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") ''' >>> )) >>> # create a cmaker instance in the dummy repo, configure, and make. >>> from skbuild.utils import push_dir >>> with push_dir(repo_dpath): >>> cmkr = CMaker() >>> config_kwargs = {'cmake_source_dir': str(src_dpath)} >>> print('--- test cmaker configure ---') >>> env = cmkr.configure(**config_kwargs) >>> print('--- test cmaker make ---') >>> cmkr.make(env=env) """ def __init__(self, cmake_executable: str = CMAKE_DEFAULT_EXECUTABLE) -> None: self.cmake_executable = cmake_executable self.cmake_version = get_cmake_version(self.cmake_executable) self.platform = get_platform()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_cached(variable_name: str) -> str | None: """If set, returns the variable cached value from the :func:`skbuild.constants.CMAKE_BUILD_DIR()`, otherwise returns None""" variable_name = f"{variable_name}:" cmake_cache = Path(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR()) / "CMakeCache.txt" with contextlib.suppress(OSError): for line in cmake_cache.read_text("utf8").splitlines(): if line.startswith(variable_name): return line.split("=", 1)[-1].strip() return None
[docs] @classmethod def get_cached_generator_name(cls) -> str | None: """Reads and returns the cached generator from the :func:`skbuild.constants.CMAKE_BUILD_DIR()`:. Returns None if not found. """ return cls.get_cached("CMAKE_GENERATOR")
[docs] def get_cached_generator_env(self) -> dict[str, str] | None: """If any, return a mapping of environment associated with the cached generator.""" generator_name = self.get_cached_generator_name() if generator_name is not None: return self.platform.get_generator(generator_name).env return None
[docs] def configure( self, clargs: Sequence[str] = (), generator_name: str | None = None, skip_generator_test: bool = False, cmake_source_dir: str = ".", cmake_install_dir: str = "", languages: Sequence[str] = ("C", "CXX"), cleanup: bool = True, ) -> dict[str, str]: """Calls cmake to generate the Makefile/VS Solution/XCode project. clargs: tuple List of command line arguments to pass to cmake executable. generator_name: string The string representing the CMake generator to use. If None, uses defaults for your platform. skip_generator_test: bool If set to True and if a generator name is specified (either as a keyword argument or as `clargs` using `-G <generator_name>`), the generator test is skipped. cmake_source_dir: string Path to source tree containing a ``CMakeLists.txt`` cmake_install_dir: string Relative directory to append to :func:`skbuild.constants.CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR()`. languages: tuple List of languages required to configure the project and expected to be supported by the compiler. The language identifier that can be specified in the list corresponds to the one recognized by CMake. cleanup: bool If True, cleans up temporary folder used to test generators. Set to False for debugging to see CMake's output files. Return a mapping of the environment associated with the selected :class:`skbuild.platform_specifics.abstract.CMakeGenerator`. Mapping of the environment can also be later retrieved using :meth:`.get_cached_generator_env`. """ # if no provided default generator_name, check environment if generator_name is None: generator_name = os.environ.get("CMAKE_GENERATOR") # if generator_name is provided on command line, use it clargs, cli_generator_name = pop_arg("-G", clargs) if cli_generator_name is not None: generator_name = cli_generator_name # if arch is provided on command line, use it clargs, cli_arch = pop_arg("-A", clargs) generator = self.platform.get_best_generator( generator_name, skip_generator_test=skip_generator_test, cmake_executable=self.cmake_executable, cmake_args=clargs, languages=languages, cleanup=cleanup, architecture=cli_arch, ) ninja_executable_path = None if == "Ninja": with contextlib.suppress(ImportError): import ninja # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel ninja_executable_path = os.path.join(ninja.BIN_DIR, "ninja") if not os.path.exists(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR()): os.makedirs(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR()) if not os.path.exists(CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR()): os.makedirs(CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR()) if not os.path.exists(SETUPTOOLS_INSTALL_DIR()): os.makedirs(SETUPTOOLS_INSTALL_DIR()) python_version = CMaker.get_python_version() python_include_dir = CMaker.get_python_include_dir(python_version) python_library = CMaker.get_python_library(python_version) cmake_source_dir = os.path.abspath(cmake_source_dir) cmake_resource_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources", "cmake") cmake_install_prefix = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR(), cmake_install_dir)) python_version_string = sys.version.split(" ", maxsplit=1)[0] cmd = [ self.cmake_executable, cmake_source_dir, "-G",, *generator.args, "--no-warn-unused-cli", f"-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH={cmake_install_prefix}", f"-DPYTHON_VERSION_STRING:STRING={python_version_string}", "-DSKBUILD:INTERNAL=TRUE", f"-DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH:PATH={cmake_resource_dir}", f"-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE:PATH={sys.executable}", ] if python_include_dir: cmd.append(f"-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH={python_include_dir}") if python_library: cmd.append(f"-DPYTHON_LIBRARY:PATH={python_library}") for prefix in ["-DPython", "-DPython3"]: cmd.extend( [ f"{prefix}_EXECUTABLE:PATH={sys.executable}", f"{prefix}_ROOT_DIR:PATH={sys.prefix}", f"{prefix}_FIND_REGISTRY:STRING=NEVER", ] ) if python_include_dir: cmd.append(f"{prefix}_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH={python_include_dir}") if python_library and sysconfig.get_platform().startswith("win"): cmd.append(f"{prefix}_LIBRARY:PATH={python_library}") if == "pypy": cmd.append(f"{prefix}_FIND_IMPLEMENTATIONS:STRING=PyPy") with contextlib.suppress(ImportError): import numpy as np # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel cmd.append(f"{prefix}_NumPy_INCLUDE_DIRS:PATH=" + np.get_include()) if generator.toolset: cmd.extend(["-T", generator.toolset]) if generator.architecture and "Visual Studio" in cmd.extend(["-A", generator.architecture]) if ninja_executable_path is not None: cmd.append(f"-DCMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM:FILEPATH={ninja_executable_path}") cmd.extend(clargs) # Parse CMAKE_ARGS only if SKBUILD_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS is not present if "SKBUILD_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS" in os.environ: env_cmake_args = list(filter(None, shlex.split(os.environ["SKBUILD_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS"]))) if any("CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX" in arg for arg in env_cmake_args): msg = "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX may not be passed via SKBUILD_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS." raise ValueError(msg) else: env_cmake_args_filtered = filter(None, shlex.split(os.environ.get("CMAKE_ARGS", ""))) env_cmake_args = [s for s in env_cmake_args_filtered if "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX" not in s] cmd.extend(env_cmake_args) # changes dir to cmake_build and calls cmake's configure step # to generate makefile print( "Configuring Project\n" " Working directory:\n" f" {os.path.abspath(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR())}\n" " Command:\n" f" {self._formatArgsForDisplay(cmd)}\n", flush=True, ) rtn =, cwd=CMAKE_BUILD_DIR(), env=generator.env, check=False).returncode if rtn != 0: msg = textwrap.dedent( f"""\ An error occurred while configuring with CMake. Command: {self._formatArgsForDisplay(cmd)} Source directory: {os.path.abspath(cmake_source_dir)} Working directory: {os.path.abspath(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR())} Please see CMake's output for more information. """ ) raise SKBuildError(msg) CMaker.check_for_bad_installs() return generator.env
[docs] @staticmethod def get_python_version() -> str: """Get version associated with the current python interpreter. Returns: str: python version string Example: >>> # xdoc: +IGNORE_WANT >>> from skbuild.cmaker import CMaker >>> python_version = CMaker.get_python_version() >>> print('python_version = {!r}'.format(python_version)) python_version = '3.7' """ python_version = sysconfig.get_config_var("VERSION") if not python_version: python_version = sysconfig.get_config_var("py_version_short") if not python_version: python_version = ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2])) assert isinstance(python_version, str) return python_version
# NOTE(opadron): The try-excepts raise the cyclomatic complexity, but we # need them for this function.
[docs] @staticmethod def get_python_include_dir(python_version: str) -> str | None: """Get include directory associated with the current python interpreter. Args: python_version (str): python version, may be partial. Returns: PathLike: python include dir Example: >>> # xdoc: +IGNORE_WANT >>> from skbuild.cmaker import CMaker >>> python_version = CMaker.get_python_version() >>> python_include_dir = CMaker.get_python_include_dir(python_version) >>> print('python_include_dir = {!r}'.format(python_include_dir)) python_include_dir = '.../conda/envs/py37/include/python3.7m' """ # determine python include dir python_include_dir: str | None = sysconfig.get_config_var("INCLUDEPY") # if Python.h not found (or python_include_dir is None), try to find a # suitable include dir found_python_h = python_include_dir is not None and os.path.exists(os.path.join(python_include_dir, "Python.h")) if not found_python_h: # NOTE(opadron): these possible prefixes must be guarded against # AttributeErrors and KeyErrors because they each can throw on # different platforms or even different builds on the same platform. include_py: str | None = sysconfig.get_config_var("INCLUDEPY") include_dir: str | None = sysconfig.get_config_var("INCLUDEDIR") include: str | None = None plat_include: str | None = None python_inc: str | None = None python_inc2: str | None = None with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError, KeyError): include = sysconfig.get_path("include") with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError, KeyError): plat_include = sysconfig.get_path("platinclude") with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): python_inc = sysconfig.get_python_inc() # type: ignore[attr-defined] if include_py is not None: include_py = os.path.dirname(include_py) if include is not None: include = os.path.dirname(include) if plat_include is not None: plat_include = os.path.dirname(plat_include) if python_inc is not None: python_inc2 = os.path.join(python_inc, ".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2]))) all_candidate_prefixes = [include_py, include_dir, include, plat_include, python_inc, python_inc2] candidate_prefixes: list[str] = [pre for pre in all_candidate_prefixes if pre] candidate_versions: tuple[str, ...] = (python_version,) if python_version: candidate_versions += ("",) pymalloc = None with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): pymalloc = bool(sysconfig.get_config_var("WITH_PYMALLOC")) if pymalloc: candidate_versions += (python_version + "m",) candidates = ( os.path.join(prefix, "".join(("python", ver))) for (prefix, ver) in itertools.product(candidate_prefixes, candidate_versions) ) for candidate in candidates: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(candidate, "Python.h")): # we found an include directory python_include_dir = candidate break # TODO(opadron): what happens if we don't find an include directory? # Throw SKBuildError? return python_include_dir
[docs] @staticmethod def get_python_library(python_version: str) -> str | None: """Get path to the python library associated with the current python interpreter. Args: python_version (str): python version, may be partial. Returns: PathLike: python_library : python shared library Example: >>> # xdoc: +IGNORE_WANT >>> from skbuild.cmaker import CMaker >>> python_version = CMaker.get_python_version() >>> python_library = CMaker.get_python_include_dir(python_version) >>> print('python_library = {!r}'.format(python_library)) python_library = '.../conda/envs/py37/include/python3.7m' """ # On Windows, support cross-compiling in the same way as setuptools # When cross-compiling, check DIST_EXTRA_CONFIG first config_file = os.environ.get("DIST_EXTRA_CONFIG", None) if config_file and Path(config_file).is_file(): cp = configparser.ConfigParser() result = cp.get("build_ext", "library_dirs", fallback="") if result: minor = sys.version_info[1] return str(Path(result) / f"python3{minor}.lib") # This seems to be the simplest way to detect the library path with # modern python versions that avoids the complicated construct below. # It avoids guessing the library name. Tested with cpython 3.8 and # pypy 3.8 on Ubuntu. libdir: str | None = sysconfig.get_config_var("LIBDIR") ldlibrary: str | None = sysconfig.get_config_var("LDLIBRARY") if libdir and ldlibrary and os.path.exists(libdir): if sysconfig.get_config_var("MULTIARCH"): masd = sysconfig.get_config_var("multiarchsubdir") if masd: if masd.startswith(os.sep): masd = masd[len(os.sep) :] libdir_masd = os.path.join(libdir, masd) if os.path.exists(libdir_masd): libdir = libdir_masd libpath = Path(libdir) / ldlibrary if sys.platform.startswith("win") and libpath.suffix == ".dll": libpath = libpath.with_suffix(".lib") if libpath.is_file(): return str(libpath) return CMaker._guess_python_library(python_version)
@staticmethod def _guess_python_library(python_version: str) -> str | None: # determine direct path to libpython python_library: str | None = sysconfig.get_config_var("LIBRARY") # if static (or nonexistent), try to find a suitable dynamic libpython if not python_library or os.path.splitext(python_library)[1][-2:] == ".a": candidate_lib_prefixes = ["", "lib"] candidate_suffixes = [""] candidate_implementations = ["python"] if == "pypy": candidate_implementations[:0] = ["pypy-c", "pypy3-c", "pypy"] candidate_suffixes.append("-c") candidate_extensions = [".lib", ".so", ".a"] # On pypy + MacOS, the variable WITH_DYLD is not set. It would # actually be possible to determine the python library there using # LDLIBRARY + LIBDIR. As a simple fix, we check if the LDLIBRARY # ends with .dylib and add it to the candidate matrix in this case. with_ld = sysconfig.get_config_var("WITH_DYLD") ld_lib = sysconfig.get_config_var("LDLIBRARY") if with_ld or (ld_lib and ld_lib.endswith(".dylib")): candidate_extensions.insert(0, ".dylib") candidate_versions = [python_version] if python_version: candidate_versions.append("") candidate_versions.insert(0, "".join(python_version.split(".")[:2])) abiflags = getattr(sys, "abiflags", "") candidate_abiflags = [abiflags] if abiflags: candidate_abiflags.append("") # Ensure the value injected by virtualenv is # returned on windows. # Because calling `sysconfig.get_config_var('multiarchsubdir')` # returns an empty string on Linux, `du_sysconfig` is only used to # get the value of `LIBDIR`. candidate_libdirs = [] libdir_a = du_sysconfig.get_config_var("LIBDIR") assert not isinstance(libdir_a, int) if libdir_a is None: libdest = sysconfig.get_config_var("LIBDEST") candidate_libdirs.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(libdest, "..", "libs") if libdest else "libs")) libdir_b = sysconfig.get_config_var("LIBDIR") for libdir in (libdir_a, libdir_b): if libdir is None: continue if sysconfig.get_config_var("MULTIARCH"): masd = sysconfig.get_config_var("multiarchsubdir") if masd: if masd.startswith(os.sep): masd = masd[len(os.sep) :] candidate_libdirs.append(os.path.join(libdir, masd)) candidate_libdirs.append(libdir) candidates = ( os.path.join(libdir, "".join((pre, impl, ver, abi, suf, ext))) for (libdir, pre, impl, ext, ver, abi, suf) in itertools.product( candidate_libdirs, candidate_lib_prefixes, candidate_implementations, candidate_extensions, candidate_versions, candidate_abiflags, candidate_suffixes, ) ) for candidate in candidates: if os.path.exists(candidate): # we found a (likely alternate) libpython python_library = candidate break # Temporary workaround for some libraries (opencv) processing the # string output. Will return None instead of empty string in future # versions if the library does not exist. if python_library is None: return None return python_library if python_library and os.path.exists(python_library) else ""
[docs] @staticmethod def check_for_bad_installs() -> None: """This function tries to catch files that are meant to be installed outside the project root before they are actually installed. Indeed, we can not wait for the manifest, so we try to extract the information (install destination) from the CMake build files ``*.cmake`` found in :func:`skbuild.constants.CMAKE_BUILD_DIR()`. It raises :class:`skbuild.exceptions.SKBuildError` if it found install destination outside of :func:`skbuild.constants.CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR()`. """ bad_installs = [] install_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR()) for root, _, file_list in os.walk(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR()): for filename in file_list: if os.path.splitext(filename)[1] != ".cmake": continue with open(os.path.join(root, filename), encoding="utf-8") as fp: lines = fp.readlines() for line in lines: match = RE_FILE_INSTALL.match(line) if match is None: continue destination = os.path.normpath("${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}", install_dir)) if not destination.startswith(install_dir): bad_installs.append(os.path.join(destination, os.path.basename( if bad_installs: msg = "\n".join( ( " CMake-installed files must be within the project root.", " Project Root:", f" {install_dir}", " Violating Files:", "\n".join(f" {_install}" for _install in bad_installs), ) ) raise SKBuildError(msg)
[docs] def make( self, clargs: Sequence[str] = (), config: str = "Release", source_dir: str = ".", install_target: str = "install", env: Mapping[str, str] | None = None, ) -> None: """Calls the system-specific make program to compile code. install_target: string Name of the target responsible to install the project. Default is "install". .. note:: To workaround CMake issue #8438. See Due to a limitation of CMake preventing from adding a dependency on the "build-all" built-in target, we explicitly build the project first when the install target is different from the default on. """ clargs, config = pop_arg("--config", clargs, config) clargs, install_target = pop_arg("--install-target", clargs, install_target) if not os.path.exists(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR()): msg = ( f"CMake build folder ({CMAKE_BUILD_DIR()}) does not exist. " "Did you forget to run configure before make?" ) raise SKBuildError(msg) # Workaround CMake issue #8438 # See # Due to a limitation of CMake preventing from adding a dependency # on the "build-all" built-in target, we explicitly build # the project first when # the install target is different from the default on. if install_target != "install": self.make_impl(clargs=clargs, config=config, source_dir=source_dir, install_target=None, env=env) self.make_impl(clargs=clargs, config=config, source_dir=source_dir, install_target=install_target, env=env)
[docs] def make_impl( self, clargs: list[str], config: str, source_dir: str, install_target: str | None, env: Mapping[str, str] | None = None, ) -> None: """ Precondition: clargs does not have --config nor --install-target options. These command line arguments are extracted in the caller function `make` with `clargs, config = pop_arg('--config', clargs, config)` This is a refactor effort for calling the function `make` twice in case the install_target is different than the default `install`. """ if not install_target: cmd = [self.cmake_executable, "--build", source_dir, "--config", config, "--"] else: cmd = [self.cmake_executable, "--build", source_dir, "--target", install_target, "--config", config, "--"] cmd.extend(clargs) cmd.extend(filter(bool, shlex.split(os.environ.get("SKBUILD_BUILD_OPTIONS", "")))) rtn =, cwd=CMAKE_BUILD_DIR(), env=env, check=False).returncode # For reporting errors (if any) if not install_target: install_target = "internal build step [valid]" if rtn != 0: msg = textwrap.dedent( f"""\ An error occurred while building with CMake. Command: {self._formatArgsForDisplay(cmd)} Install target: {install_target} Source directory: {os.path.abspath(source_dir)} Working directory: {os.path.abspath(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR())} Please check the install target is valid and see CMake's output for more information. """ ) raise SKBuildError(msg)
[docs] def install(self) -> list[str]: """Returns a list of file paths to install via setuptools that is compatible with the data_files keyword argument. """ return self._parse_manifests()
def _parse_manifests(self) -> list[str]: paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(CMAKE_BUILD_DIR(), "install_manifest*.txt")) try: return next(self._parse_manifest(path) for path in paths) except StopIteration: return [] @staticmethod def _parse_manifest(install_manifest_path: str) -> list[str]: with open(install_manifest_path, encoding="utf-8") as manifest: return [_remove_cwd_prefix(path) for path in manifest] @staticmethod def _formatArgsForDisplay(args: Sequence[str]) -> str: """Format a list of arguments appropriately for display. When formatting a command and its arguments, the user should be able to execute the command by copying and pasting the output directly into a shell. Currently, the only formatting is naively surrounding each argument with quotation marks. """ return " ".join(quote(arg) for arg in args)