Source code for skbuild.platform_specifics.platform_factory
"""This modules implements the logic allowing to instantiate the expected
from __future__ import annotations
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
import platform
from . import abstract
def get_platform() -> abstract.CMakePlatform:
"""Return an instance of :class:`.abstract.CMakePlatform` corresponding
to the current platform."""
this_platform = platform.system().lower()
if this_platform == "windows":
from . import windows
return windows.WindowsPlatform()
# Some flexibility based on what emcripten distros decide to call themselves
if this_platform.startswith(("linux", "emscripten", "pyodide", "android")):
from . import linux
return linux.LinuxPlatform()
if this_platform.startswith("cygwin"):
from . import cygwin
return cygwin.CygwinPlatform()
if this_platform in ["darwin", "ios"]:
from . import osx
return osx.OSXPlatform()
if this_platform in {"freebsd", "netbsd", "os400", "openbsd"}:
from . import bsd
return bsd.BSDPlatform()
if this_platform == "sunos":
from . import sunos
return sunos.SunOSPlatform()
if this_platform == "aix":
from . import aix
return aix.AIXPlatform()
msg = f"Unsupported platform: {this_platform:s}. Please contact the scikit-build team."
raise RuntimeError(msg)