"""This module defines functions generally useful in scikit-build."""
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
import logging
import os
import typing
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Any, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, NamedTuple, Sequence, TypeVar
from distutils.command.build_py import build_py as distutils_build_py
from distutils.errors import DistutilsTemplateError
from distutils.filelist import FileList
from distutils.text_file import TextFile
from .._compat.typing import Protocol
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
import setuptools._distutils.dist
class CommonLog(Protocol):
"""Protocol for loggers with an info method."""
# pylint: disable-next=missing-function-docstring
def info(self, __msg: str, *args: object) -> None: ...
logger: CommonLog
import setuptools.logging
skb_log = logging.getLogger("skbuild")
logging_module = True
logger = skb_log
except ImportError:
from distutils import log as distutils_log
logger = distutils_log
logging_module = False
class Distribution(NamedTuple):
"""Distribution stand-in."""
script_name: str
def _log_warning(msg: str, *args: object) -> None:
if logging_module:
skb_log.warning(msg, *args)
distutils_log.warn(msg, *args)
except ValueError:
# Setuptools might disconnect the logger. That shouldn't be an error for a warning.
print(msg % args, flush=True)
def mkdir_p(path: str) -> None:
"""Ensure directory ``path`` exists. If needed, parent directories
are created.
return os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
Self = TypeVar("Self", bound="push_dir")
class push_dir(contextlib.ContextDecorator):
"""Context manager to change current directory."""
def __init__(self, directory: str | None = None, make_directory: bool = False) -> None:
:param directory:
Path to set as current working directory. If ``None``
is passed, ``os.getcwd()`` is used instead.
:param make_directory:
If True, ``directory`` is created.
self.directory = directory
self.make_directory = make_directory
self.old_cwd: str | None = None
def __enter__(self: Self) -> Self:
self.old_cwd = os.getcwd()
if self.directory:
if self.make_directory:
os.makedirs(self.directory, exist_ok=True)
return self
def __exit__(self, typ: None, val: None, traceback: None) -> None:
assert self.old_cwd is not None
class PythonModuleFinder(distutils_build_py):
"""Convenience class to search for python modules.
This class is based on ``distutils.command.build_py.build_by`` and
provides a specialized version of ``find_all_modules()``.
distribution: Distribution # type: ignore[assignment]
# pylint: disable-next=super-init-not-called
def __init__(
packages: Sequence[str],
package_dir: Mapping[str, str],
py_modules: Sequence[str],
alternative_build_base: str | None = None,
) -> None:
:param packages: List of packages to search.
:param package_dir: Dictionary mapping ``package`` with ``directory``.
:param py_modules: List of python modules.
:param alternative_build_base: Additional directory to search in.
self.packages = packages
self.package_dir = package_dir
self.py_modules = py_modules
self.alternative_build_base = alternative_build_base
self.distribution = Distribution("setup.py")
def find_all_modules(self, project_dir: str | None = None) -> list[Any | tuple[str, str, str]]:
"""Compute the list of all modules that would be built by
project located in current directory, whether they are
specified one-module-at-a-time ``py_modules`` or by whole
packages ``packages``.
By default, the function will search for modules in the current
directory. Specifying ``project_dir`` parameter allow to change
Return a list of tuples ``(package, module, module_file)``.
with push_dir(project_dir):
# TODO: typestubs for distutils
return super().find_all_modules() # type: ignore[no-any-return, no-untyped-call]
def find_package_modules(self, package: str, package_dir: str) -> Iterable[tuple[str, str, str]]:
"""Temporally prepend the ``alternative_build_base`` to ``module_file``.
Doing so will ensure modules can also be found in other location
(e.g ``skbuild.constants.CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR``).
if package_dir and not os.path.exists(package_dir) and self.alternative_build_base is not None:
package_dir = os.path.join(self.alternative_build_base, package_dir)
modules: Iterable[tuple[str, str, str]] = super().find_package_modules(package, package_dir) # type: ignore[no-untyped-call]
# Strip the alternative base from module_file
def _strip_directory(entry: tuple[str, str, str]) -> tuple[str, str, str]:
module_file = entry[2]
if self.alternative_build_base is not None and module_file.startswith(self.alternative_build_base):
module_file = module_file[len(self.alternative_build_base) + 1 :]
return entry[0], entry[1], module_file
return map(_strip_directory, modules)
def check_module(self, module: str, module_file: str) -> bool:
"""Return True if ``module_file`` belongs to ``module``."""
if self.alternative_build_base is not None:
updated_module_file = os.path.join(self.alternative_build_base, module_file)
if os.path.exists(updated_module_file):
module_file = updated_module_file
if not os.path.isfile(module_file):
_log_warning("file %s (for module %s) not found", module_file, module)
return False
return True
OptStr = TypeVar("OptStr", str, None)
def to_unix_path(path: OptStr) -> OptStr:
"""Return a version of ``path`` where all separator are ``/``"""
if path is None:
return path
return path.replace("\\", "/")
def distribution_hide_listing(
distribution: setuptools._distutils.dist.Distribution | Distribution,
) -> Iterator[bool | int]:
"""Given a ``distribution``, this context manager temporarily
sets distutils threshold to WARN if ``--hide-listing`` argument
was provided.
It yields True if ``--hide-listing`` argument was provided.
hide_listing = getattr(distribution, "hide_listing", False)
wheel_log = logging.getLogger("wheel")
root_log = logging.getLogger() # setuptools 65.6+ needs this hidden too
if logging_module:
# Setuptools 60.2+, will always be on Python 3.7+
old_wheel_level = wheel_log.getEffectiveLevel()
old_root_level = root_log.getEffectiveLevel()
if hide_listing:
# The classic logger doesn't respond to set_threshold anymore,
# but it does log info and above to stdout, so let's hide that
with open(os.devnull, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f, contextlib.redirect_stdout(f):
yield hide_listing
yield hide_listing
if hide_listing:
old_threshold = distutils_log._global_log.threshold # type: ignore[attr-defined]
if hide_listing:
yield hide_listing
def parse_manifestin(template: str) -> list[str]:
"""This function parses template file (usually MANIFEST.in)"""
if not os.path.exists(template):
return []
template_file = TextFile(
file_list = FileList()
while True:
line = template_file.readline()
if line is None: # end of file
# the call above can raise a DistutilsTemplateError for
# malformed lines, or a ValueError from the lower-level
# convert_path function
except (DistutilsTemplateError, ValueError) as msg:
filename = template_file.filename if hasattr(template_file, "filename") else "Unknown"
current_line = template_file.current_line if hasattr(template_file, "current_line") else "Unknown"
print(f"{filename}, line {current_line}: {msg}", flush=True)
return file_list.files